Monthly Archives: March 2016


If you are an existing Campground Owner, Manager, Work Camper, plan to purchase a campground, or become a Work Camper, you will find the CMM Story a must read.

The “Camp MAINT Manager App”; the #1 Campground Maintenance Management System and associated website, were both created after years of working as a Work Camper and Campground Manager in a variety of campgrounds across the United States.

As with any business or employment position, there will always be a variety of concerns that arise. Campgrounds are no exception. The CMM Story addresses the most common concerns and solutions provided by the CMM App and Website.

There is an inherent problem that haunts Campground Owners, Managers and Work Campers.

Unlike other industries, Campground Owners, Managers and Work Campers do not have the luxury of physically meeting before offering or accepting a position. This can result in hiring a Campground Manager, or Work Camper that is incapable of performing all the tasks associated with the position for which they were hired.

The CMM website in conjunction with the CMM App for employers…

  • Expedites the process of uniting and hiring the most qualified Campground Managers and Work Campers.
  • Furthers the process of insuring that Work Campers locate a position that is the best match for them and the Employer.
  • Helps to insure that Campground Owners, Managers and Work Campers benefit from a better working relationship, resulting in a more enjoyable work experience.

The CMM App provides a Smarter, Faster and Easier Way to Manage the Duties performed by all Work Camper types. The upshot is Higher Morale, Productivity, Lower Costs and ultimately the desire to extend their stay. This is accomplished by a modern design paired with powerful, affordable, and user-friendly functionality.

The CMM App and website were designed to “educate and assist” Campground Owners and Managers on how to…

  • Inspire them to learn the strengths of their Work Campers.
  • Manage “Who & When” performs the wide variety of essential campground duties.
  • Take advantage of Work Camper strengths, ensuring you have the right Work Camper for the job.
  • Alternate duties among-st Work Campers to maximize cross training and minimize the boredom of performing repetitive tasks.
  • Alternate hours among-st Work Campers to create a fair-minded work environment.
  • Keep up-to-date on the campground maintenance duties Work Campers are scheduled to perform.
  • Maintain an up-to-date profile for each Work Camper.
  • Bring new Campground Owners and Managers up-to-date quickly regarding campground operations and Work Camper capabilities.

“Campground Owners and Manages” join for FREE and receive an eye-catching Public Profile Page that can be used to promote their campground to Work Campers.

“Work Campers” join for FREE and receive an eye-catching Public Profile Page that can be used to promote themselves to Campground Owners and Manages.